Monday, November 12, 2007

PRESS RELEASE: Mike Huckabee Announces Southern Baptist Supporters


“Mike Huckabee is clearly the most articulate spokesman for conservative values in today's political arena. He is a wise and proven leader,” said Dr. Jack Graham, pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church and former president of the Southern Baptist Convention. “He is a man who lives and governs by principal and is, in my view, uniquely prepared to lead our nation.”

Dr. James T. Draper Jr. is a former president of Southern Baptist Convention and former president of Lifeway Christian Resources. “I support Mike Huckabee for President because I have known him for over 30 years and know him to be a man of absolute integrity and sterling character,” Dr. Draper said. “He has the strength of convictions that will enable him to be a great leader.”

Dr. Jerry Vines twice served as president of Southern Baptist Convention and is former pastor of First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Fla. He is founder of Jerry Vines Ministries in Woodstock, Ga. “Having known Governor Mike Huckabee for 30 years and observed his character, convictions and courage in public life, I wholeheartedly endorse him in his bid to become President of the United States,” Dr. Vines said.

Dr. Daniel Akin is president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, N.C. “Mike Huckabee is the kind of man our country needs in a leader. He believes in those things that exemplify the best in our nation,” Dr. Akin said. “His values and convictions make him a leader worth following. I am delighted he is running for president and he has both my prayers and support.”

Dr. Jay Strack is president and founder of Student Leadership University and a world- renowned Southern Baptist communicator and minister in Orlando, Fla. “Mike Huckabee has brought clarity, compassion, and competency to every assignment and role he has been given,” Dr. Strack said. “He does not blink answering hard or tough questions and does so in a manner that does not alienate the inquirer.”

Dr. Billy McCormack is pastor of University Baptist Church and founding National Board Member of Christian Coalition. “Mike is not only well equipped for the presidency, he has demonstrated godly and righteous leadership in government which commends him to every evangelical who wants a firm and resolute hand on the helm of our ship of state,” Dr. McCormack said. “He will unify evangelicals nationwide in one giant move toward the nomination at first and the general election to follow. He is America's logical choice.”

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