Friday, November 9, 2007

Gov. Huckabee at the Family Research Council Values Voter Summit


Notable quotes from Gov. Huckabee’s speech:

“We do not have the right to move the standards of God to meet cultural norms, we need to move cultural norms to meet God’s standards.’’

“There were times… when things amongst us were negotiable. But some things are not negotiable, the sanctity of life, the definition of marriage… Let us never sacrifice our principles for anybody’s politics – not now, not ever.’’

“I do not spell G-O-D G-O-P, our party may be important, but our principles are even more important…. It is time for those of us who call ourselves values voters to pledge our lives, our families, our fortunes and our sacred honor to that which is right and which is eternal."

Reactions after the speech:

Byron York at says this: But if ovations at the Value Voters Summit determined who would be the Republican candidate, Mike Huckabee would win.

Erick at says this:
Mike Huckabee is coming. The Arkansas folks in the crowd go nuts. They won't stop cheering. It's abundantly apparent from the corridors to the reception he gets when he comes in that Huckabee is among his own, more so than Romney or Fred.

Onemom says this: "WOW!!!! Standing in front of my computer cheering, praising God and tears running down my face! The little I have written here today does not begin to capture the passion, the power and the conviction of Gov. Huckabee’s address this morning."

'Swamp Politics' covers the event as well.
Mere Orthodoxy covers the Summit.
Active Christian Media says Gov. Huckabee brought down the house.

CBN's David Brody titles his blog post : Huckabee's Grand Slam. Very nice post!

Rich Lowry on National Review says the following:
Wow. Let me repeat: Wow. What an incredible communicator…I found myself getting goose-bumps near the end of his speech when he invoked a long series of Biblical underdogs, beginning with David and his five smooth stones. He made as strong a case as possible for putting all pragmatic considerations aside and going with him. And no one could mistake the shots at Romney, including a reference to candidates who have as many positions as Elvis had sizes to his waist-band. Watch out in Iowa.

My Reaction
As an evangelical Christian, I loved everything he said. He clearly revealed who he is, and why he entered politics after being a pastor for a number of years. I'm sure he is more than willing to accept the consequences for communicating what he believes even if it means losing the nomination.
He has great communication skills and he is able to articulate ideas in a way that unites both the left and the right.
The governor made a very convincing argument on why the Christian conservative movement shouldn't take the pragmatic approach and blindly support the "most winnable" candidate according conventional wisdom in the media.

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